Sometimes when we must make hard decisions, we wait, and wait, and wait. We keep asking for more data. Are we sure I have all the facts I need to make the “right” decision? This phenomenon is also known as paralysis by analysis.
I don’t know about your situation, but to me, the nicer weather of the summer brings different issues to the workplace. Not only is it the issue of vacations and the length of time that co-workers may not interact with each other due to consecutive weeks off, I think that we all feel the pull of the lazy, hazy days of summer.
What the hell does that have to do with management? Well, here is a story about liver transplants, and who gets them, who doesn’t and how the values of the people that make the decisions, i.e. people like you, influences decision making.
A colleague of mine had a recent experience that was unpleasant with a local community regarding a child’s participation in a recreation activity sponsored by the municipality.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, I was lucky enough to be chosen to attend the Harvard Kennedy School of Government’s program for Senior Executives in State and Local Government. It was a three-week school that brought together folks from across the country to learn about different challenges faced by state and local government agencies, some techniques for addressing them and perhaps most importantly, meeting people who do what you do and getting a network of resources for feedback and support.
In Joe Stout’s second Advice From Management article he tackles an extremely important subject: transparency in the workplace.