Distractions. It’s hard to avoid them in college – from the countless campus events to the neverending emails from professors and clubs, it is easy to be swept away in the bombardment of new information and new opportunities coming your way.
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Let’s finish up our tips on mastering the MEE portion of the Bar Exam.
Last semester is over. The new year has begun. What do you do now? Do you continue to push forward in law school the same as you have? If not, what changes do you need to make?
Whether you’re ready to hear it or not, unfortunately your time in college is not going to last forever. If I could go back in time and do my entire undergrad all over again, the only thing I’d consider changing is the effort I put into building up my resume during my freshman and sophomore years of college.
In this episode, Kerriann continues to share her journey with recaps of her first semester of JD to PhD!
Despite the fact that I can hardly believe it is 2023, it’s time to begin making some New Year’s and new semester resolutions, to make 2023 the best year (and spring semester) yet. In this chapter, I’m going to be talking about the importance of setting realistic academic and wellness goals in order to reach your maximum potential while in college. The New Year is always a wonderful time, because we all get the chance to start fresh on the electrifying feeling of the unknown year ahead.