What To Do When You Hate Your Job
You just got a new job. You are excited about the opportunity and looking forward to learning and doing new things. But as time goes on, you start to question it – is this the job for me? Do I hate my new job? How do you know if you hate your new job? And if you realize you hate your new job, can it be salvaged? What can you do if you find yourself thinking “I hate my new job – now what?”
How can I tell if I hate my new job?
Do you really hate your new job, or are you still in the adjustment phase? Here are a few indicators to help you figure that out:
- You dread Mondays. Like, REALLY dread them. Sure, everyone hates Mondays because weekends are way more fun. But do you find yourself really dreading the start of the work week, to the point that it impacts how you feel the rest of the weekend? Is it bigger than just an annoyance that the weekend is over? Are there feelings of dread and worry, and are they present more than just Sunday nights? That could be an indication that what you are feeling is more than just the Monday blues.
- Your work is suffering. When you start to notice your work quality diminishing, that could be an indication that you hate your new job. When we don’t enjoy the tasks we are being given, or the environment we are surrounded by, we tend to reflect that back in the amount of effort we put in. If you notice that your ability to complete tasks effectively and efficiently is declining, examine the reasons behind that to determine if it’s tied to the fact that you hate your new job.
- Your health is being impacted. Maybe you are getting sick more frequently. Or you have new ailments, like heartburn or indigestion. Maybe you have trouble falling asleep, or having enough energy to get through the day. Many studies show a link to your mental and physical well-being. Changes in your health could be related to how you feel about your job, and the stress it is putting on your body. If you are experiencing physical changes, please speak to a doctor as soon as possible. It could be your job, but it’s important to rule out other issues too!
- You complain a lot more. Yes, we all complain that we hate our jobs at one point or another. But have all of your conversations about work centered around the theme of “I hate my new job”? Then there may be an issue. There will always be things about work that we don’t enjoy, but if you find yourself only discussing the bad things about work, and nothing good – think about it. Are there good things to share? If so, why don’t you share them? If not, how does that make you feel? The amount you complain about your job and the reasons why could help you answer the question of whether or not you hate your new job.
What do when you hate your new job?
If you’ve decided that yes, you actually do hate your new job, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time to leave. You may be able to salvage it by taking some simple steps.
- Talk to your boss. Have a frank conversation with your boss. Talk to them about their expectations for you, and make sure you understand your role and responsibilities clearly. Sometimes it’s just a matter of better understanding what your duties entail and how you are expected to perform your tasks. It also helps to be honest with your boss about your abilities to perform the functions that are being assigned to you. Better understanding on both sides may help change your perspective on your job.
- Find a mentor. Is there someone at your job who can serve as a mentor? Someone who has been there longer than you may be able to help you better adjust to the new work environment and give you suggestions for how to handle the stresses and workload. Also, just having someone to talk to – particularly someone who understands what it’s like to work there! – can help you when you feel like you hate your new job.
- Ask for help. If the workload is too much, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Delegate what you can delegate. If you can’t delegate, seek out advice from co-workers – find out how they handled similar tasks, and ask them to help you create schedules or checklists to ensure you get it done timely and properly.
- Stay organized. You may feel like you hate your new job because it’s becoming overwhelming. That could be a matter of being assigned too much work, but it could also be a product of poor time management. Check out this post on how to manage your time, and talk to your mentor or coworkers about additional ideas.
- Start a gratitude practice. Practicing gratitude can go a long way in changing our mindset. Keep a gratitude journal where you list the things you do like about your job. Maybe it has nothing to do with the actual job itself! Maybe it’s your co-workers. Or the chance to read on your train commute. Or the cute bakery with the amazing cupcakes next door to your office! Keep track of whatever it is that you enjoy about your job, and you may start to see your mindset shift.
Even after doing these things, you may still find yourself thinking “I hate my job!” That’s ok. Not all jobs are meant for all people. If you are unhappy, and unable to make things more bearable for yourself, it may be time to look elsewhere. Just be honest with yourself and your employer. Remember that just because this opportunity was not a good fit, there is always another opportunity waiting for you!